I've never done a blog, but I've kept a journal for as long as I can remember..and by 'journal' I mean ripped pieces of paper with things I did that day, sticky notes as reminders stuck everywhere in my house, movie stubs with names of who I went with, receipts from special occasions, and wine corks with dates on them...soooo, I guess it's not really a journal after all. I'm not sure what all this blog will consist of, other than my rambling about who knows what. I hope it will be an interesting, little opening into my life.
Speaking of how I have kept my 'journal' for so long, isn't it funny how things that really hold no purpose at all can be the hardest things to get rid of? I have a shoebox absolutely crammed full of notes that were written from fourth grade all the way up to my senior year in high school that I fear I will have until the day I die because I literally cannot bring myself to throw them away. I have movie tickets that are so old you cannot even read any of the print on them. The only way I know that they are in fact a movie ticket is because they're the funkiest green color and they are printed on the thinnest, slickest, little pieces of paper. I sure can't tell what movie we went to see, but the ink of the names are still plainly legible. Every planner I had in school never had my homework written in them..they consisted only of who I liked, who I didn't, what my weekend plans were and, of course, my mothers signature so I could go to recess (without a signature, you couldn't go to recess because that meant your parents hadn't been keeping up with your homework, that you were supposed to be keeping up with in your planner...however the teachers never looked at what you actually wrote down, they were only interested in the signature..which i always had).
Trying to put my thoughts together while listening to Pandora is ridiculously hard, especially when every song is a throw back one hit wonder that I know every word to and feel as though I MUST along! I bet Kathy The Cleaning Lady that is right outside my door is loving my high notes! Every time she comes to clean and I have to buzz her in, she always say's "it's me, Kathy, the cleaning lady", so it goes without saying, that that is what everyone calls her. I definitely do not have my own cleaning lady, I don't live in a ritzy house where I get to buzz people in or have the funds to afford a cleaning lady...I'm at work and she cleans the offices. However, I wish I had my very own Kathy The Cleaning Lady, she's entertaining and she cleans...what more could a person want? That is, unless I was mad, then Kathy The Cleaning Lady would have to just sit back and watch me make my entire house spotless. Sometimes I think Mitchell, my slightly taller other half, pushes just the right buttons on purpose so I will clean my little heart out, and dammit--he always wins.